I have been youtubing lately. I was watching historical videos of Somalia and ended up watching a video someone posted on Al Shabab and found these particular comments interesting. To me, it is as if extremes are touching (extreme Muslims, extreme conservatives in the U.S.) on the idea that homesexuality is the ultimate sin. This is interesting because the extreme conservatives here in the U.S. are so anti-Muslim (little did they know they have some hatred in common). Saddest thing about these comments and this video is that the situation in Somalia is worsening.
This all makes me think about how complex and interconnected these issues are- yet the media does not delve into such complexities. They don't dare touch upon or bring up the ties between the U.S. and Ethiopia, they don't dare touch upon the amount of civilians killed in unnecessary U.S. wars, or U.S. greed. Capitalism's greed.
youtube Al Shabab video comments:
"Troy62486 the woman called aisha ibrahim dhuhulow she was over 18 years old and she committed adultry and she confessed and she doesnt have any mental problems she married before so they killed her for sharia rules and i can't see any problem about that, dont believe american anti islam propaganda and how many muslims do american soldiers kill daily can you find me that amount if you can my brother"
"Ever body can write what they want , but us as somalian alshabab r our heroes who protected us from ethopian when they invaded somalia in 2006 after they heard somalia r ruling in sharia law. we muslims we need our sharia law not democracy who let man can marry another man. istaqfurullah. VIVA ALSHABAB....... ALLAHU AKBAR"
Also watched the most ridiculous video news clip from Fox News that was asking why Minnesotans are not enforcing more assimilation tactics for Somalis and then they ended the clip by saying that if Somalis don't want to assimilate (which they equated with practicing Islam?) then they shouldn't have come to the U.S. As if they had said one day said, "yes, I think I'll move to America now." As if their were choice involved at all- running from bullets, living in refugee camps. One comment by a Somali woman that I couldn't find to re-post here talked about how most Americans are of European decent and the only real Americans she recognizes as American are Native Americans. I thought it was the most brilliant comment.
I am not even going to addres the part of the quote above that talks about killing a woman/women and sharia law. That is a post in and of itself.
I have stated a new series piece to accompany "Soo Dhawoow" and "Naturalization." The series itself will be called: FOIA (Freedom of Information Act), and there will be eight crimes/poems. I'm starting with Terroristic Threats. I have no idea how they will play out, but am just collecting language and contemplating doing them experimental persona pieces. I'm interested in backstory and how it can shed some light upon situations that are not always black or white; right or wrong.
Also watched the film/documentary, "A Jihad for Love" the other day and really found it informative. I had no idea that gay Muslims could obtain refugee status in European countries! I have not heard of that happening here within U.S. immigration law. If it hasn't, it should be. Right now the defnition of a refugee under the Immigration and Nationality Act (Sec. 101(a)(42)) states:
(A) any person who is outside any country of such person's nationality or, in the case of a person having no nationality, is outside any country in which such person last habitually resided, and who is unable or unwilling to return to, and is unable or unwilling to avail himself or herself of the protection of, that country because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion, or...
In any case, go rent "A Jihad for Love"
Photos: Cowboy Thoughts | Chongo Murdertrout
2 hours ago
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