Mt. Ascutney near Claremont, NH.
Montpelier, VT.
Davis Square Boston.
Morningside Park.
Banjo Jim's.
Central Park.
It was great to come back to Minneapolis...this trip, specifically the NH bit, made me realize how lucky I am to work as an immigration advcoate in a progressive city. There is an anti-Muslim sentiment that is freakishly pervasive in rural America- no matter what region you are in. I grew up in a small town and I remember what it was like...folks are always putting their own self-hate and anger onto whatever marginalized group is vulnerable at the time. Some group of people that eveyone that is privileged can agree on and come together and identify over and feel part of as a community. It is a weird group psychology thing. The opposite of community, really.
On a lighter note. Chas and I did yoga in Claremont while we were there and I had this moment of blood-spilling meditation. My body warmed in a way that made me want to do it on a regular basis. I felt as if I was on the train ride still-from NYC to Boston- and I could feel the breaks squealing...and myself pouring after the whistling stopped.