Friday, May 29, 2009

human superiority

I read this over at my friend's mother's blog:

"The more technology allows us to prop ourselves up by putting everyone else down, the more we'll level our blunderbusses at every passing ant."
This idea of "better than vs less than" caught my attention this morning. The image of feeling superior and separate from nature is inviting. Human superiority over the animals, the belief that we are in control of animals and that we are free to exercise power over them, bending their natural instincts to our will at whim.

And it got me thinking. I remember the first time I had a conversation about why we humans act as if we are superior to nature and animals. It was over a cold glass of red wine while I was looking out my flat window, talking with a friend I had travelled to Edinburgh, Scotland with. She was an anthropology major and was working at the natural history museum and I had just graduated in Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature. To say the least, my friend opened my eyes to this invitation spoken about above. It dismantled a lot of what I had studied in cultural studies and I was angry at the time, but in the last couple of years I have realized that I was completely not in tune with the natural world. I always thought consciousness, language, social movement-that these were the driving force in this world. I was so wrong. I mean, culturally these work in conjunction with the natural world. I think I may have rolled seven ciggarettes in this one sitting and maybe even drank the whole bottle of wine. I remember focusing on the moss and the viney green leaves that climbed the building, almost swallowing it, as my friend explained to me that homosexuals are still partaking in the evolutionary drive to reproduce because they are looking for a mate and they are having sex-it's just that they happen not to reproduce. At the time, I was caught up in social construction and I hadn't fit into my world view, how I, as a queer woman, fit into this picture of natural history. The idea that humans had only been around for a teeny bit in the large scale of history blew my mind. It is funny how you don't feel yourself changing until you look back and acknowledge where you were then and where you are at now. And all of a sudden, BAM. Here you are. Thank you mam.

Also, I have been reflecting on what triggers me to control my immediate surroundings, whether it is in nature, another human, or my writing. Asserting control over any situation is the easiest way to affirm to the self that it will prevail. However, in most cases, when I am asserting control-the kind that intrudes on the natural rhythms in nature, relationships, even creative spirit-I feel that I am the furthest I can be from growth.

What drives people to feel/act as superior over others? Does this tie into instinctual evolutionary drives? I know it has everything to do with power and control, but on the level of-where does this come from, why?

Did I mention that living with Early made me realize that the most spiritual experiences are often the animal warm kind? The kind that are so close to the ground, so far from right or wrong, the kind that are locked in the instinctual. Poetry is held here, I think. Maybe right above instinct- where the skin of consciousness covers and cases it.

here's when i gush

saw him last time he was in town at the Cedar and it was a great, almost spiritual show. i listened to his albums all winter and am hooked.
favorite song: Daughter of the Sun

tonight i plan on taking chas out to the Ecopolitan for some raw food goodness and then we'll go get settled into what i hope will be a soul filled evening.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Intelligent Homosexual's Guide to Capitalism & Socialism

I'm going to this tonight at the Guthrie!

Finally had a slower couple of days last weekend. This weekend is fast approaching. I've been trying to get everything done and ready to go camping with some friends.

The last couple of weeks I've been in planning mode. Chas I purchased our tix for NYC and New Hampshire and I'll be going to Vegas for the Annual Immigration Lawyers Assoc. Should be interesting. Vegas is not how I roll but we'll see. I'm excited to go out east and finally meet Chastity's sisters. We'll be spending the fourth grilling out in Harlem!

Have been working on my MFA manuscript. Think I've got about 20-25 pages worth of poems that I am ready to submit to friends for feedback in order to finalize fall submissions. A lot of the poems have already been workshopped on Steve's forum and have gone through multiple modes of existence so I'm looking forward to having this finalized small colleciton. Even if I don't get into any schools I'll be able to send poems out to journals and continue using all of the lessons I've learned from compiling the manuscript. Just having this deadline is nice because it drives me to follow projects/pieces through to the end. Also, it is kind of a marking point--I can now move onto newer pieces and give them my full attention. I have been drafting my personal statement..right now it's pretty formulaic...needs some flava. I didn't realize how difficult it'd be to try and pin point the moment or the moments in life where I realized that I want to write full-time and live the life of writing..still not sure about teaching for a career, but I do want to TA in an MFA program. I am glad I waited 4 years after undergrad to experience as much as I have and to see if this is what I really want to do. I've been writing more in the last four years than ever before. I was definitely not ready right after college. Next it's the more administrative tasks of the application process.

Life as an immigration legal assistant is legal, assistant-like, and full of immigration. Sad sad news about Mogadishu and the fighting that has recently broke out--it's displacing 500 refugees or more a day.

My bike rides to work have been difficult with the wind slapping me around and with all of the construction in downtown Minneapolis. When I get home, or to work, after a windy ride my legs feel like they might just burst. If anybody has been recently flipped off by a girl on a yellow bike it was probably me. Don't honk and please respect the bike lanes mothafuckas!!!!

listening to: the hum of air circulating this building. and of course: K'nann. I catch myself singing "Wav'in Flag" all the time. Gives me goosebumps.

drinking: h2o..later tonight hopefully some tea after a homolicious production by Tony Kushner

reading: still knee deep in The Omnivore's Dilemma. I have been slacking on reading fiction and contemporary poetry but feel like this break might be helping me step outside of my preferred reading habits. Although I admit that I write better the more I read, especially creative works.

Am missing Early. I sent smoke signals to him with the fire we had in the back yard on Saturday. Did you see em bud?

Off to the show! (not really, but soon)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Our Common Treasury

Here are some pics from the Mayday parade. Was a gorgeous day. The ceremony, the political theater, the people.....god I love Powderhorn.

I've been singing "These Tears Ain't Mine (reprise)" by Roma di Luna to Chastity all day...oooooh there's nothing worse/than sleeping on bad words...

am thinking of starting a couple of character poems...some of them have been in me for a while, but reading Rigoberto Gonzalez's So Often the Pitcher Goes to Water unitl It Breaks is inspiring me to actually draft them.