this Spring has already pushed out the first thunderstorm and with that came some hard rain...we had to put Early to sleep about three weeks ago. i feel like his ghost is following me everywhere in the house. i've never held a living creature in my hand as it bowed down in death. i feel he is curled into a ball, tucked under my rib cage..snoring his liquid lungs out in peace. in the pic above he's chillin like he did through so many rehearsals.
"A good-bye generates a moment of chaos in the immediate enviornment.."
-Fanny Howe
finally finished her memoir/essays...was exactly what i needed this past month
on a lighter note i took my mother to see Jelloslave this weekend! am currently digging their album "Touch It"- such a brilliant title to an album/project
also have been listening to Kill the Vultures, K'Naan, and Romantica
reading" "The Omnivore's Dilemma" - along with everyone else i guess. also just watched "King Korn" and "Jesus Camp"....that is all i will say.
finally drafted "Blue-Glass Prairie Grafitti" and "Dynamo" and am working to revise a series piece I have in rough form right now titled "Naturalization"
drinking: too much red wine. i feel like if i were to write about something happy right now my tongue would fall out of my mouth.
grateful. i feel grateful as all get out.